
After talking to the nephrologist treatment has been backed off to twice a week. And because I do have some kidney function and don’t have fluid retention problems they’re going to back way down on the amount of fluid they remove. They were taking two kilos of fluid off me. Would you like a little mummification with your dialysis?

So I’m feeling almost human now. Even got de-Frankensteined yesterday. They took out the 24 staples from the surgery on my fistula.

So today I’m going to go and do things with my family and be as normal a human as I can manage.

Rainy weekend


We did our annual family vacation this weekend. Usually we do a beach thing, but this year we rented a house on a vineyard, miles from anywhere. Getting there was a nightmare, with the main way to get there closed by mudslides and being caught in traffic for hours only to have to turn around and go back the way we came.

We did finally get there and the house made up for a lot. We’ve rented a lot of houses over the years, this one was the best equipped so far. Rental houses go from having everything to having darn near nothing, and you don’t find out until you get there which it’s going to be. Mom, sister and I each make one dinner with breakfasts and lunches being a group effort. It’s actually kind of fun cooking in a group. Much easier to get dinner on the table for a large group when you have enough people to handle each aspect.

Of necessity we spent most of our time indoors, but we did have a half day of sunshine. I went walking around the property, enjoying being outside with no other people within view. I spent half an hour sitting at the edge of a dirt road, watching and listening.


That half day made the weekend for me.

The rest of the time we sat around the house, watching the rain come down outside. We put together a couple of jigsaw puzzles, played charades and Heads Up. We’re a very exciting group. But it was actually nice not to have a big agenda. Getting everyone organized to go shopping or out to eat can end up being quite a production, especially since Mom’s in a wheelchair.

Random cat photo 20170128


Ash and the cat stand. I took an inexpensive cart and put a heating pad and a crocheted rug that I made and made a warm, soft spot for Ash to sleep on. It’s also at a very convenient level for petting her. I wasn’t sure she would take to it, but between a little catnip and the heating pad, she’s using it regularly.

First weekend of the new year


Made what Mom called 24 hour salad this weekend. I think most people would call it Ambrosia Salad, which I can’t think of without thinking of Edward Scissorhands. It consists of whipped cream and canned fruit and would never be something I would choose to make.

I also did something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I downloaded a recording app to my phone and asked Mom questions about family history and recorded the ensuing conversation. Her answer to my questions weren’t what I was expecting. Which is the point, when you think of it. We’re getting together for my nephew’s birthday on Saturday. I’m going to go a little early and see if I can get another question answered. She’s been looking so frail and feeling so poorly lately, this is not something I want to put off. I wish I’d started a long time ago. I was really happy with the way the recorder worked on my phone. It’s really easy to use. I just pushed the record button and placed the phone face down on the table between us and started talking. I was worried that it wouldn’t pick up her voice because she speaks pretty softly, but the recording was clear and easy to understand.

Christmas Decorations

I tell myself that I don’t have much in the way of Christmas decorations because I like things simple and serene. And while that is true, what would more accurate description is that I’m lazy. That and I have way too much stuff for things that I’ll have out for a couple of weeks per year and then have to find room to store in a closet. So I have a few things I put out. My grandmother’s ornaments, losing their silvering. I think of them as Ghosts of Christmas Past.

Ornament 201202_ac

This year I added some new decorations. I was hoping to put these bulbs among my grandmothers to illuminate them, but they turned out to be much too large. I found an alternative use.


The thing that amuses me is where it looks like someone went through the holiday aisle at Target with a vacuum and they have a holiday item everywhere you look. Things hung from walls, windows and ceilings. Ornaments tucked into plants and sitting on every counter. It looks like Christmas elves barfed all over everything.

She gave it to the gardener


Several years ago my folks told my sisters and me to tell us if there was anything in their home that we wanted to have when they were gone so that we didn’t argue over stuff later. We thought it was a great idea. We all picked a few things that we really wanted and that was that.
My parents have had this giant clam shell since I was a kid. I think they got it on a vacation they spent in the Bahamas when I was about 9. And since I’ve been an adult and had my own place, I’ve coveted it. These days a shell this size is practically a museum piece. They just aren’t allowed to get this big anymore. I have a lot of sea shells, most of which I’ve collected myself. I used to scuba dive and we’ve spent many vacations at beach rentals all up and down the west coast. I’ve wanted to add the giant clam to my collection, especially since my decor is sort of natural history/steampunk.

A few weeks ago I went to have lunch with Mom and noticed that the shell was gone. She’d gotten a decorative item from a friend and wanted to display it, so she gave the shell away. To the gardener. I was almost in tears. I realize that I hadn’t mentioned it when we were going over things that we wanted, but it never occurred to me that she’d start giving things away. And I’m really not all that comfortable going around the house saying “When you’re gone, I’d like that.” It feels too much like I’m waiting for her to be gone so I can have her stuff.

Well, she could see that I was pretty upset and she talked to the gardener and got it back. She told my sister that she’d gotten it back and my sister predicted that I would cry. My sister knows me well. Mom has also let the gardener know that she can’t give anything else away without checking with her daughters first. Good idea, Mom. And thanks.

Baking weekend

Going to Mom’s house to make Christmas goodies with Mom and youngest sister. Well, sort of. I will probably not be doing anything that requires actual baking. I will be making fudge, which can be made in the microwave and cashew brittle, which the Wonderful Spouse requested. There are a few other maybe’s, but probably not with three cooks in the kitchen, especially when one of them is usually in a wheelchair. Not going to have a lot of extra time next week, either. Anything that doesn’t get done Saturday gets done Sunday or not at all. Mom’s really looking forward to it. I think she just likes having someone besides me around once in a while.