
Got a needle set in my new fistula for the first time today. The first couple of attempts were not successful. It was very discouraging.

I feel like it was more because of my own apprehension than any other reason. I’ve never liked needles, no matter how much experience I have with them. I feel like I have PTSD from having dialysis lo those many years ago.

It was heartening to have things go more easily today.

Not doing so well

Have had to go back on dialysis. It was miserable 30 years ago, it’s miserable now. To the doctor, sorry I cried but it’s an occasion deserving of tears.

Dialysis is a four hour torture session. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I’m freezing the whole time. Blanket and coat notwithstanding. No wonder I hate being cold.

And I feel worse afterwards than before. Just as I’m starting to feel human again, I have to go back.

Don’t feel like doing anything, including get out of bed. Don’t feel like I can do anything. Do feel like I can’t take very much more of this.


The koi have been showing themselves more in the water pot. They’ve ben following the goldfish up when I feed them. I tap the edge of the pot with the food container when I feed them. That way they know it’s food and not a predator. Initially the koi flipped straight down when I walked by. They missed it entirely when I put out food.


I witnessed the weirdest thing today. I was standing in the garden watching a butterfly float around the flowers when something streaked past my head, hit the butterfly and went down into the shrubbery. I couldn’t figure out what it was.

When I went and looked for it, it turned out to be two monarch butterflies locked together. I gently pried them apart and threw them in different directions. Now I know that butterflies are territorial, but this took aggression to a whole new level.


The last year I’ve been going through the testing necessary to get on the list for a kidney transplant. The pandemic delayed testing time and again. Yesterday I had the last test

Today I got a call from the transplant people. I should be getting a letter stating that I’m officially on the waiting list. I’m both excited and appalled. I don’t want to need a kidney, but I do. I don’t want anyone to risk their lift to donate, so I just wait. But at least now there’s hope.

Quietly awful

I needed to go out today, so I decided I wanted some onion rings so I went to the local burger place and when I got there, it was gone. Closed and empty. Actually, the whole strip mall was closed and empty as far as I can see. Went to the next strip mall, because I know McDonald’s is still open. Most of it’s stores were closed, too. At least 50 percent of the stores where our grocery store is are empty. I know that retail shops have been on the way down, but this is beyond that. So many people around here aren’t just closed for the duration, they’re gone.

Butterfly Central

It’s been butterfly central in the garden lately. Butterfly fights are a daily thing with several different kinds of butterflies battling for territory. Even had one I had one that I haven’t seen before. Had to look it up.

White edged dusky wing

Don’t know what this one is doing here, they’re supposed to eat oak leaves. If there are any oaks around here I don’t know about them.

Been trying to spend some time outside while it’s still nice. Planning on planting more butterfly weed this year. I planted one plant a while back and all I have now came up from seed.