20201005 – Casper and the fish

Casper has discovered the fish.

And the fish are surely aware of him. They’re huddled up against the wall of the pot, motionless, where he can’t see them.

I like having both the fish and the snails in there, but I can see it’s definitely going to mean more maintenance on my part. Going to need to scoop gunk off the bottom more often, and remove plant overgrowth. However, everyone likes looking at the fish, cats and people. I’m happy with the tradeoff.

Insomniac night

Since I started exercising regularly I seldom have the sleepless nights that I used to, but I’m up now. That fact is driving Casper cat crazy. First he wouldn’t leave me alone. “You’re up now? Great! What are we going to do?” Then he got the zoomies and ran up and down the stairs, making as much noise as possible.

Truth be told, my anxiety level is pretty high about now and he’s a wonderful distraction.