20200815 – Home maintenance

Kinda feeling like a home maintenance diva right now. We’ve had a couple of things go wrong lately. Got an outside faucet with a major leak. And the air conditioning broke down. During a major heat wave.

For the plumber I remembered a guy who had worked on our water heater a long time ago who I’d been impressed with. He knew what he was doing. Thanks to the wonderful spouse we had the number of the company he worked for and he still works for him. And even though they’re only supposed to do water heaters, he’s coming on Monday. I don’t know anything about plumbing, but at my age, I’m starting to know what competence looks like.

Then the AC broke down. The spouse had tried a few places, but all of them just had message machines. I tried a few myself and got the same result. I broke down and used one of the on-line services. I hate giving people my phone number, but the prospect of no AC, temperatures in 100’s and high humidity sounded awful. Entered my info and got a call back in minutes. The guy showed in minutes and fixed it in half an hour. At a price I considered reasonable.

I totally feel like a winner right now. Hope things go as well with the plumber.

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